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Heaven in Barcelona

Heaven exists in Barcelona and is situated near Sant Gervasi. Its name : Parc del Turó del Putxet.

If you need to breathe, walk and a bit of peace (Barcelona is great but one can find him-herself longing for a bit of calm and quiet..), this is the place to go. Like up Montmartre stairs, the sight you have of the city is quite rewarding and amazing. The colors as well. You will find yourself at some point walking in a Magritte painting. When the sky is clear, the colors are so vivid that you forget you are actually still in the city. I took the picture below with my phone and didn't add any filter whatsoever #gorgeous.

At the top you will find all types of sports enthusiasts (yoga, tai chi, pétanque, runners and all kind of strechers), dog walkers, elegant melancholic walkers (sometimes you can almost hear the voice over) and the self satisfaction of having conquered the climb :-)

Other big pro : the limited amount of tourists ! Sadly a weird phenomenom strikes in many airports of Europe and the once polite citizen turns into a beast when landing in Barcelona and behaves like a member of the cast of Jersey Shore. You can see this red skin animal burnt by the sun and too many a cerveza, reeking of cheap sunscreen and monoï everywhere in the city as soon as it gets warmer. Thank God the beast is too drunk for the hike and won't manage to go beyond Gracia's terrasses. So if you're looking for an authentic barcelonian experience, that's one of the places to go !

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